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Child Care Programs are integral ministries of Mānoa Valley Church. As God seeks to provide for our needs, we also seek to do the same for each child in our midst. Our goal is to provide a loving environment where a child’s physical, emotional, intellectual, social, and spiritual development are nurtured. We share the love of Christ through Christian caring, fellowship, and worship. Our Preschool is licensed for 40 children, ages three and four years old. 

In addition, Mānoa Valley Church offers opportunities to the families of the children in our programs by providing parenting workshops, inviting families to various church functions and supporting families in crisis. 


Preschool provides the foundation for the children to reach their potential as contributing members of society. Our school provides safe, healthy, nurturing, and responsive environment where children grow to love God, others, and themselves. We use child-centered approaches to our educational program.


We believe that a preschool should:

  1. Provide a quality, well-rounded education that strives to meet needs – spiritual, physical, social, and
    emotional – of the whole child

  2. Furnish activities which are appropriate to the developmental levels and interests of the students

  3. Promote active, exploratory learning, offering the children numerous first-hand experiences

  4. Encourage the children to express themselves creatively

  5. Help the children become more independent, make choices, and take responsibility for themselves

  6. Foster cooperation and concern for others

  7. Offer a balance of activities – fine motor and gross motor, indoor and outdoor, individual and group, active and quiet, teacher directed and child initiated

  8. Foster open communication between home and school

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2021-2022 CURRICULUM



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